

Created by: Root, Last modification: Sat 18 of Jul, 2020 (05:04 UTC) by emegsadmin
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EMEGS (ElectroMagnetic EncaphaloGraphy Software) is an open source software for psychophysiological data analysis. There are two versions available: the original MATLAB based package which requires the MATLAB environment and a stand-alone Qt based version.

To download EMEGS, register/login first.

Numerous studies have used EMEGS for preprocessing, visualization or statistical analysis. You can find a list of references here.

The current version of EMEGS for Matlab is 3.1, the developer version is 3.2.
See the "What's new"-page for new features in EMEGS for Matlab.
The current version of EMEGS (Qt version) is 2.0, the developer version is 2.1.
See the "What's new"-page for new features in EMEGS (Qt version).

For support in using EMEGS please refer to the email discussion list and the email archive at

Please refer to EMEGS (all versions) in publications as follows:

Peyk, P., De Cesarei, A., & Junghöfer, M. (2011). Electro Magneto Encephalograhy Software: overview and integration with other EEG/MEG toolboxes. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 2011, Article ID 861705.

You can also visit our project for news on Researchgate.

News: support for permutation-based cluster mass tests

EMEGS now offers support for a range of permutation based cluster mass tests for coefficients from t-tests, correlations, custom contrasts and also full factorial ANOVA. The later is realized through residualization of the data for lower order effects. A serial rejection algorithm is available to reduce masking effects. All features are configured on a GUI, no coding is necessary.